Lughnasadh on the Hill 2024

Lughnasadh on the Hill 2024

Lughnasadh this year falls on Wednesday, 7th August.
Join us at 18:40 as we will leave at 19:00 sharp, to go up the Hill and connect with the heart of Ireland on a spiritual journey, forging a deep connection with the sacred landscape and the energies of the ancient gods and goddesses of the Tuatha Dé.

We are delighted to announce that this will be led by Uisneach guides; Sean Clancy and Dionne De Gouveia.

Here at the Sacred Centre of Ireland it home to many of the gods and goddesses of the Tuatha Dé, the Bright and Shining Ones, the fabled, magical people that ruled Ireland in pre-history.

Connect with this sacred landscape where An Dagda, the All Father God had his palace. Where Lugh Lamhfada was drowned and where the Goddess Ériu, from whom Ireland got its name, is resting beneath the Catstone.

Let your guides take you back in time, engaging a deep spiritual and energetic connection with the sacred landscape of Uisneach. We will have a small fire at the Summit, if you would like to bring along a small piece of wood from your home to place in the fire with your intentions.

This event is outdoors and takes approximately three hours. A moderate level of fitness is required and suitable clothing and footwear for hillwalking (and Irish weather) should be worn.

Care should be taken whilst on site as the terrain is uneven.

As Uisneach is a working farm no dogs are allowed on site.


Children up to 15 – €12.00
Adults – €22.50


3 Hours


Lugh is one of the most important figures in Irish Mythology and is depicted as a skilled and an adept craftsman, a true warrior, a king and a saviour.
He is said to have met his mortal end here on the Hill of Uisneach, by drowning in the lake which bears his name, Lough Lugh.
His final resting place is traditionally said to be here on the Hill, at Carn Lugdach.


Aug 07 2024


7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

More Info



Uisneach Hill
Uisneach Hill, Rathnew, Co. Westmeath
QR Code