Samhain on the Hill of Uisneach
As Samhain approaches when the veil will thin, we will remember those that have moved on by creating a space on the Hill where we can come together and celebrate their lives through connecting from an sacred space with fire, storytelling and music – as we feel it would have been in our not too distant past.
We are excited to welcome onto the Hill for the first time performing; Candlelit Tales and TAU !
Samhain – Sceal agus Ceol
To celebrate and welcome the dark half of the year, join us on the hill of Uisneach for an unforgettable night of storytelling and music. We will be calling in the ancient power from beyond the veil through enchanting stories and mesmerising music, performed by Candlelit Tales, and TAU.
Aron Hegarty will be using his unique and spell-bounding performative style, telling a series of Samhain stories, set to live music, to whisk us away into the magic of some of Irelands oldest stories. While Séan Mulrooney will captivate the quality of this time of year, with shamanic songs, and chants to initiate a greater connection to this special festival time on the Irish Calendar.