Hill of Uisneach - Courses & Workshops

Here at the Hill of Uisneach we understand the importance of relaxing and meaningful ‘me-time’. With a busy world encircling us all the time and with very little relief from it, time spent focusing inwards is a gift to oneself that is not only rewarding but it is also very often a necessity. The act of mindfulness is a tonic in itself.We have sensitively, crafted a morning out in the open air with a trained yoga instructor and local artist, Hilary Kinahan.
What do we know about the world beneath our feet ? What jewels ‘hide’ in the hedgerows as we busily, walk on past ? What surrounds us was once our ancestors ‘farmers market’ and ‘pharmacy’- the land around them fed their families, cured their illnesses, gave them comfort, offered colour to their garments and was very much an important part of their everyday life.We have studied the Hill over the past year, discovering many wonderful specimens of flora that are as they were many moons ago. Foraging for these treasures is brought to you by botany enthusiast, seasoned forager and chef Nicole Dunne.
Team Building
Work ! Work ! Work ! Is it ever ending, some may cry! Yes, is the simple answer! We understand that days in the office can run into months and then one suddenly realises that all connections with fellow colleagues have somehow waned. This is commonplace in an office environment, but we have created a space for those important relationships to be rekindled again.
The Red Room, a purpose-built audio/visual space, lends itself to smaller office groups that work closely together. A guaranteed, personally-rewarding day may be spent with us here touring the Hill of Uisneach, enjoying art and yoga, coupled with a generous dollop of mindfulness, all the while in a relaxing environment, re-engaging with colleagues.

Unauthorised access to the Hill is not permitted. A suitable level of physical fitness and appropriate footwear and clothing are necessary.
Please be advised that the Hill is PRIVATE PROPERTY and A WORKING FARM with livestock, machinery and other dangers.
No dogs permitted on public tours.All tour entrants MUST remain in the presence of the Guide and act in accordance with the direction of the Guide for the duration of the tour.
Take Notice that the Occupier of this farm given the nature, character, and activities of this farm, hereby in accordance with section 5(2) of The Occupiers Liability Act 1995, excludes the common duty of care to visitors under section 3 of The Act.